There are hundreds of ways to be a hero. Today, we celebrate Henry, a seven-year-old whose courageous attitude in the face of adversity is truly heroic.

During birth, Henry experienced Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopaty, a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant's brain doesn't receive enough oxygen and blood. This dangerous condition requires immediate medical intervention and can also lead to other complications; because of the lack of oxygen to his brain, Henry developed Cerebral Palsy. Thankfully, Henry was at Children's, and his talented team of doctors quickly took action, performing a body-cooling procedure that dramatically improved Henry's quality of life.
Now seven, Henry is a bright social butterfly who loves to tell stories and meet new people. He attends regular physical, occupational, and speech therapy and walks with a walker or uses a wheelchair for mobility. While Henry needs physical help in most areas of daily living, he doesn't let that hinder his love of watching videos, collecting knick-knacks, eating Chips Ahoy cookies and playing with his friends. When he grows up, he would like to be a YouTube star or a DJ, but for now, he's happy attending Soonerthon events to raise awareness about ways to help kids like him.
Without the help of Children's and its amazing team of doctors, Henry might not have survived. To ensure that every sick Oklahoma child receives the best care possible, consider donating to CHF. Whether it's a one-time gift, becoming a member of our monthly giving club, attending fundraising events or donating in-kind items, it all goes to provide kids like Henry with expert, compassionate care, giving them the shot at survival that they all deserve.